• Patient Notice

    due to the Corona virus pandemic

Dear Patients,

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the following measures are in place to keep The Heights Medical Centre operating.

1.1 Should you be experiencing medical problems, please telephone the practice, a member of the reception team will take your details, a contact telephone number and the GP will call you back.

1.2 Should the GP feel necessary, either a video consultation or face to face appointment will be arranged.

1.3 Should you be requested to attend The Heights Medical Centre, you must wear a face mask all the time while in our premises.

1.4 Should you or anyone in your household have COVID-19 symptoms, you are not allowed to attend The Heights Medical Centre

Influenza clinics

Due to Covid-19, our flu clinics will be changing this year as follows:

2.1 You must bring your face mask.

2.2 You must not bring family members or friends into the surgery. Only carers are allowed.

2.3 You must dress appropriately to be able to access the shoulder without undressing

2.4 You must attend at the booked time only. If you come sooner or late, you will be turned away.

2.5 Flu clinic operates by a 5-minute appointment only so no other issues will be dealt with.

2.6 You must wait in the surgery or in your car (unless you are alone) for 10 minutes post vaccination.

Video consultations

3.1 For those requested to take part in video consultation, you might be asked taking photo (e.g. of a skin complaint) that to be sent to your GP. For doing so, please follow the below steps.

  • You can use both a phone camera or digital camera.
  • If using a phone, use the main camera not the “selfie” camera.
  • Check that your camera lens is clean.
  • Turn off the flash.
  • Find an assistant. Make sure your assistant doesn’t cast a shadow over the area being photographed.
  • Move to a bright area with lots of natural light, but avoid direct sunlight.
  • Place the area to be photographed on a plain background (such as a plain towel, sheet or wall) if possible
  • We need 2 photos for each lesion.
  1. An orientation photo – Stand 1 meter away from the area of interest and take the photo. This shows where the problem is and how big an area it covers. Try to show the whole area affected if it is a rash, including both sides of the body if possible  2.
  2. A close-up photo – Move your camera 10-12cm (4-5 in) from the skin problem. On most phones you can touch the screen to focus on the area of interest. If you get too close, the camera won’t be able to focus.
  • Take a few photos and only send the best.
  • Your doctor or practice administrator will tell you how to send the photo.
  • Only send 2 photos of each lesion, as above.
  • If given the option by your e-mail programme, reduce the picture size to between 1 and 2 Mb but no smaller.
  • Please put your name and date of birth as the subject of the e-mail.
  • Please note that by sending the photo via e-mail, you acknowledge that no communication system can guarantee complete security and there is a small possibility that the message could be intercepted by a third party. You are also giving consent for it to be stored in your medical record.
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